The Quarter Box

March 4, 2006

Link dump

Filed under: comic blogs, comic shops, indie, link dump, nyc comics — quarterbox @ 8:53 pm

New feature! Weekly random links. On a Saturday night. Because I’m that confident my in hipness. Also, I’m watching Cops. Somebody send the Wahhmbulance.

Hulk’s Diary That is on the Internet

There was not enough snow for Hulk to shovel and make extra pocket money so he can buy presents for his friends like the man at the donut place that makes sure Hulk has an extra big coffee and Captain America who is a very nice person except when he is all bossy and that makes Hulk sad.

If Hulk could feel strong and brave about doing it, Hulk would make a computer frowny face like this 😦 but Hulk can not.

I’m sure most of you have read this and have made a decision about it, and at first, it does seem like a one note joke. But it honestly makes me laugh everytime I read it. This guy is so clever. The writer. Who probably isn’t actually the Hulk. Probably.

Jigsaw Comic Shop, in NYC

Jigsaw is seriously the best comic shop ever, possibly because the guy who runs it isn’t a total dick and he obviously loves not only comics, but people who read comics. Or, at any rate, tolerates them when they’re not social idiots and/or total dicks. I’m mentioning it because these next few months will be your last to check it out, as he’s moving the store down to North Carolina. Unless you live in North Carolina.  In which case in a few months you will be able to check it out.

Right now, there’s an exhibit on of Molly Crabapple‘s work, which is something you should see for yourself. I haven’t decided if I like it or not, but it makes you think, which I much prefer to work that is merely likeable.

It’s like, only made for all of us afflicted with the brand of ocd that makes us want to catalogue every piece of media we own. No, for serious. It’s already taken off, and you can see fanboys have already started frantically cataloguing their collections by the huge BATMAN tag that shows up on the main page. The only reason why I haven’t started is because my long boxes with the ‘a’s of my collection is hidden behind about 50 pounds of laundry that I have yet to fold and put away.

And now I’m actually going to attempt to do something productive. Or at least change out of my pajamas.

Also, a No-Prize for someone who can come up with a better name for a weekly feature than “link dump” which seems so very uncouth. And I am a lady and a delicate flower.

March 3, 2006

You came to see a rock show

Filed under: cons, indie, recs — quarterbox @ 12:17 am

Almost a week after the convention, and my voice is just now coming back. I’m callng it “smoky”. Let’s just go with that.

So I was thinking about what to write in regards to the New York Comic Con, and I was thinking, you know, you can read the thousand reports over at Newsarama or CBR, mostly about what was announced at panels, how effing cold it was outside for those who couldn’t get in, and lessons in fire safety when the fire marshall showed up and tried to explain that you can’t cram 20,000 people into a space that will only hold 12,000 max. I really have nothing incredibly interesting to add, except that it was one of the best artist alleys I’ve ever seen, a literal alley running the perimeter, with some of the industry’s best sitting shoulder to shoulder, and seemingly in good spirits despite how
crowded and loud it was.

Personally, I saw Andy Lanning and Phil Jimenez, Todd Nauck, Chris Batista, Walt Simonson, Ian Churchill, Kevin Nowlan, Rags Morales, Dale Eaglesham, Kevin Maguire, Alex Maleev, Carlos D’Anda, Mike Norton, Colleen Doran. I mean, these were the people you could actually stop and chat with, it was pretty amazing. Also, last I heard, Andy Lanning and Ian Churchill had raised over $3000 for the Sam Loeb Fund — they jointly decided to donate all the money they would normally make on commissions over the course of the weekend.

I was going to include some gross piece of gossip that I heard about Kevin Smith’s behavior over at the CBLDF battle of the bands fundrasier*, but my leftover giddiness from the con is not letting me get into the proper outraged mindset to talk about comics dudes who act like idiots and still have huge followings of people who also act like idiots because it’s cool.

Rememeber the two seconds when X-Men the movie first came out and being an actual nerd was cool?  That was totally sweet.

Instead, let’s do something new and lovely, since General Counsel informs me that the entire point of me getting this was to use my powers for Good and not Evil (most of the time we even agree on the definitions for those terms!).

Weekly Rec
Should we be doing this on a Monday? I really don’t want to be the thing you check after you read all the goss over on Lying the Gutters, although I guess that would mean you are actually reading so maybe I should shut the hell up. I should do something fun, too, like, Weekly Debunk, where I either disprove one of Johnston’s pieces or I just bitch about it. Anyhow.

Action Philosophers, by Ryan Dunlavey and Fred Van Lethe.

Now, I will be honest and say I haven’t actually read this yet, but I saw these guys on the floor at the show and picked up the books and they look hilarious. I mean, Plato Smash? Come on, guys, this has to be good stuff. Yeah, I know, great sell, right? Shut it. I’m tired. It’s, like, two bucks. Did I mention Plato Smash?

*all i’m saying is that it started with kevin smith drunk and ended with him auctioning off a lunch with marvel eic joe quesada with the promise that you could watch him fuck his wife on the glass table in their living room. uh, no, i’m good, thanks.

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